What Are Chakras?

Chakras are spiritual energy centres in the body which are connected to both your physical and spiritual being and act as gateways between the two.  There are seven major chakras and many more minor ones and each is associated with a different part of your personality, psychology, physical being and spiritual development.  By healing blocked and damaged chakras you can become happier, healthier and more fulfilled. http://sett.com/buddhist-mindfulness-meditation

Chakra means wheel in sanskrit and some people see them in their minds eye as spinning colourful wheels although they are variously described as flowers and balls of light.  They can be healed through meditating and leading a holistic lifestyle; i.e. doing all the things you know you ought to be and definitely not doing any of the ones you know you shouldn't.  www.innominati.tumblr.com

Chakra meditation involves visualising the chakra and allowing it to grow and heal rather than forcing it to.  Yoga and crystals can be used to boost their growth and your life.  Diet and exercise are important too and in fact there are foods which are paired with each chakra so you can help them to heal.  Specific yoga exercises exist for each as well.  Being honest, kind and loving are all very important in keeping your chakras, and those of the people around you light and healthy.